Evolution good-bye
To be man means to be in process.
Walking on two feet and driving car can do any monkey.
Mostly man is nothing else than animal, biology. Not only our polician leaders are retarded, behaving like gorillas or dogs. This is not what I call human being. This is evolution but there is more – it is: intelligence, conciousness.Revolution is needed to be human being, to be individual. Finished with evolution.
Revolution in a spirituell sense, as an inner phenomena. Only an individual can move in this way.
An artist has to go otherwise there is no art at all. Be an artist. Everyone can be, should be.This is the start of growing in a vertical way.
Otherwise growing will happen just in a horizontal way – the way of the possesing, fighting and biting, all the ego-qualities. For the ego: quantity is quality.Welcome amongst the people of the future – as earlier as better because today the human destruction concerns our whole beautiful earth.
Living in the circle.