what is art?
The artist’s work is to bring the mysterial closer to our minds.
That’s not a philosophical or a scientifical or a political or a bla-bla question.
It is an individual and so a spiritual question.It is like a question: what is love? what is god? And finally: who I am?
Something different. Because art is a pre-layer of love. To look for art means to search for anwsers of real spiritual questions.
And this should be right.
But art is in a way fallen in the hands of kapitalism, of religion, of entertainment, of rubbish. Yes like jesus. but this maybe later on.
So what I mean by art is something else.
We have to change. Away from politics and their people because they always pollute our mind, our soul.
Art is the turn. From outer to inner. From society to individuality. And individuality is not a given thing. From the other to my self. The self.
It is just the direction because nobody can give anwsers. Of course everybody is doing. Forget it.So one has to go on its own.
Looks difficult. Here is an easy question: what is art? And in the very beginning there should stand one thing. Clarity. With it we can walk. without we will stumble like politicians. full of answers without knowing.
I like to say: to find the question – ok. To find an answer – lost.
Very simple is the way of the heart and rarely.Just a footnote:
With politicians I don’t mean the people who are in political positions. I mean people who are in an arrogant mind to mean being the knower of the world, capable to rule over the other, all human beings, animals, plants, planets. People who think to know what is right for the other. These are the power people. In the society they have to be changed. We all should be for a better world every moment, but the criteriens have to come out of the heart. Everyone can be courageous.